Michael's Abbey
A Christian website, non-denominational and Bible based

Articles - It is recommended that readers start with the Scripture series and Golden Calves that appear at the top of this list before reading others. Otherwise, read what interests you. - If you have a question, you can find the email address to write to on the FAQ Page under the Questions FAQ.

Scripture Part 1: Why Believe Scripture?
The foundation of everything at Michael's Abbey is scripture. But that begs the question, why should we believe scripture?

Scripture Part 2: The Telephone Game Fallacy
One of the ways people try to discredit scripture is by making a false equivalence between oral traditions and the Telephone Game, and couple this with a distortion of when the gospels were written. Here is why they are full of it.

Golden Calves
The Israelites turned their backs on God and worshiped a golden calf. Cows are dumb, and calves are dumber. Why would anyone worship one? But are we really any better?

Most Christians Are Crazy (And Not In A Good Way)
Ever notice that the way some Christians behave towards God is really strange, yet no one says anything? But if they acted that way towards anyone else people would call them crazy.

Atheists who aren't bothered by Christians make sense to me. But an angry atheist is just weird.

Who Gets To Go To Heaven?
Do you think doing more good than bad qualifies you to go to heaven? What is heaven? Who decides what is good and what is bad?

Who To Listen To
People and the media like to present an arguement as the words of a someone with a doctorate, or a guy with the title of "scientist" as if that makes the arguement inarguable. It's the media equivalent of telling us to shut up. We should be more careful who we choose to listen to.

I Believe Or I Think
Most people use the words "I believe" and "I think" interchangibly. They are not the same thing. It's important to keep them separate.

The Standard
All have sinned and fallen short of the standard. But if we deny there is a standard, we are in dangerous territory.

Conventional Wisdom Is Neither
Conventional wisdom isn't all that conventional, and it's definitely not wisdom. We look down on those who believed the world was flat. We shouldn't point fingers. We still subscribe to conventional wisdom that is just as dumb today.

The Corruption Of "I Need"
The majority of people say "I need" when they really mean "I want". There is a very important distinction. Failing to understand that has devastating consequences.

Is Jesus God?
The Arian heresy has been gaining some traction lately. Some proponents even say that scripture doesn't say that Jesus was God. They couldn't be more wrong. Here is what scripture actually says about it.

Are We To Judge?
Far too often Christians make blanket statements without regard for where they got the idea. Here we look at what scripture actually says about judging.

Is The Trinity Biblical?
Every false religion and cult challenges the trinity. Christians need to know what scripture really says.

Which Bible Should I Use?
I do not think there is one perfect English Bible translation. Read the one you like. However, it is helpful to understand the differences when choosing a translation for oneself or others. And there are some deliberately false versions that should not be used at all. The most commonly available translations are discussed here.

Truth Or Dare I Dare You
People who don't care about truth don't care about God. He is the truth. If we don't seek the truth we aren't seeking God. Can someone who isn't seeking God really be a Christian?

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